We can do bette than this!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rupunzel complex

For as long as I can remember I've always wanted long flowing hair (on my head) and I had it for a VERY LONG TIME, but ever since I've been running after this monster child, it's just gotten in the way.  Who has an hour to blow dry their hair?  Or the money to breeze through shampoo?  I had to OPT for the Mom cut.  Thankfully I had an awesome stylist, Jenn Jones, at the Graceland Hair and Tattoo shop in Williamsburg who modified it to a super BAD ASS mom cut.  

Evolution of MY HAIR:

From LONG and LUXURIOUS ... (notice I didn't have my child yet so I still had time to do my hair)
To tired pony tails (and dirty, who has time to wash their hair?)
To a cute BOB! (cut almost 10" off)
TO ... Buzz'd

It is LITERALLY a weight of my shoulders.


Kumi the TERRIBLE!!!

Now just because she's "the TERRIBLE" doesn't really make her TERRIBLE.
When you're young, everything is amazing.

You can climb.



and creep.

Then your Mama says it's time to go home...
 so you drop your weight like a ton of bricks and host a sit in on the playground.

Kumi via Mama

Halloween Decor

My family and I rent an apartment for now so I try not to go all out for our decorations.  This year I made a simple Halloween wreath.  It's my 1st attempt at being a crafty new mom so be nice.
P.S.  My living room is being lived in so it's a mess.

I started with a bare styrofoam wreath that cost me appox. $2.50.  You can get them at craft stores or online.  This one is 12" but feel free to go bigger!
I wrapped the wreath in black duct tape (the ENTIRE WREATH):
This is the wreath half wrapped in duct tape.

Then I hot glued some CANDY CORN (1 bag $2.50) to the wreath:
Kumi helped by dumping all the candy corn on the couch.

And VOILA!!  Candy Corn Wreath perfect for Halloween!:
It says "I'm festive, but I'm also LAZY"


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Starting off with a .... Do I have to say it?

The Blog tells me it's a 8:bullsht o'clock but it's really midnight and this is my life ... It's Kumi in all her toddler - family bed glory.  The family bed that she weaseled her way into with a measly 103 degree fever and subsequently pushed my husband out and onto the couch.  In about 10 minutes she'll have rolled over twice, called out for her favorite lovey in a dream, and kick me in the face leaving me with a split lip.   SWEET DREAMS!